Portfolio | Snapp!

  • Category: Product
  • My Role: Product Manager
  • Project Title: Surge Pricing System
  • Project Date: Spring 2021
  • Project URL: www.slideshare.net/HamedShams2/dynamic-pricing-in-ridehailing-platforms-257447743
  • About: As a PM at Snapp, I led a project to improve the surge pricing system in our ride-hailing platform. In this case study, I presented a detailed review on surge pricing in ride-hailing platforms and presented some of the challenges in implementing this system. Specifically, I investigated a particular problem with the surge pricing system and briefly explained how we tackled it to enhance reliability within Snapp's marketplace. Our solution reduced "no-decision" cases by 27% after its launch, resulting in a 6% increase in drivers' earnings while improving rider's conversion rate. Please note that some specific information and implementation details have been removed from this document to maintain confidentiality.